
Environmental Stewardship is Vital Downtown

The Urban Forest

Spending time outdoors is beneficial for our physical and mental health! Studies show that physical activity outdoors can reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce stress, and build a tighter-knit community. A local study even says commuters are happiest on a tree-lined route like the West River Parkway in south Minneapolis. It is vital that downtown Minneapolis provides green infrastructure and active outdoor spaces for everyone.

Green Minneapolis is working to increase the urban tree canopy, create lush street medians, and promote green infrastructure and landscaping. We are turning downtown from gray to green!

Protecting our Resources

Litter is not only an eyesore, but it also negatively impacts our environment. Discarded trash can poison and trap wildlife and travels through our storm drains to our fragile waterways. Litter is a great threat to the Mississippi River and Minnesota’s many lakes and streams. It is also very costly and difficult to remove from our drinking water. Remember that dog waste is also considered litter and always pick it up!

Green Minneapolis encourages you to leave no trace downtown. It is up to all of us to protect our home and natural resources.

Green Living

We make decisions every day that have a lasting impact on the environment. There are several ways you can support a green Minneapolis when you are working or playing downtown.

  • Bike, scooter, or walk
  • Carry a reusable water bottle
  • Use reusable bags for shopping
  • Recycle downtown whenever possible
  • Buy sustainable products
  • Conserve water and energy at your office